Category Archives: Odd-toed ungulates

GOP “leadership” circles the tyranny wagon

Why am I not surprised that Ruling Class apparatchiks John Boehner and Eric Cantor are outraged (!) over the disclosure that the NSA is spying on Americans.

Boehner said there were adequate safeguards for the NSA programs and that the civil liberties of Americans were “absolutely” being protected.


Thank you Johnny. You have shown your true colors.


You have lost the benefit of the doubt

You can sow doubt; it will no longer take root.
You can argue, but we are done listening.
You are seen for what you are, we no longer doubt that you are the evil.
You presume to govern; we no longer consent to your rule

You are the Ruling Class;we are the Country Class.

You are fucked.

I approve.


We may be witnessing the birth of the Tea Party as a formal political party

I think the Ruling-Class Republicans will do what they have been doing since 2010–embrace and extend. They will embrace the Tea Party outrage, but then drag it out and extend it enough that Tea Party interests–constitutional interests–are not address. See Fast and Furious, Obamacare, Open Borders, Spending, sound money….

With the evil of tyrannical government now there for everybody to see, and with the malfeasance of the Ruling Class in supporting that government, the rational choice will be a third party. That is the Tea-Party.

The infrastructure to build a true political infrastructure is already in place. Its major voices: Palin, Paul, Cruz are articulate, principled and popular (in contrast to Karl Rove, Boehner, McConnnel and now Rubio)

I hope I am wrong. I hope that the Ruling-Class Republicans wake up and smell the tyranny. I hope that Boehner appoints a special committee and blogs open borders bills coming from the Senate. I hope Rubio smells the evil and filibusters the gang-of-eight bill. I hope Issa has Holder arrested for contempt, I hope the house defunds obamacare. Experience has shown that political hope is misplaced.

Honest Americans–Constitutionalists–will place their political hopes in honest brokers.

Time to hit the lying bastards in the wallet

MaxedOutMama I Want To Bear Richard Fisher’s Cognitive Children relays a simple truth as told by the Dallas Fed.

My team at the Dallas Fed and I are confident this simple treatment to the complex problem and risks posed by TBTF institutions would be the most effective treatment. Think about it this way: At present, 99.8 percent of the banking organizations in America are subject to sufficient regulatory or shareholder/market discipline to contain the risk of misbehavior that could threaten the stability of the financial system. Zero-point-two percent are not..

And that is how we beat these bastards. Obama, Boehner, Cantor, McConnell, Bernanke, Geitner, Shumer, McCain, …pick any of these Ruling Class schmucks and ask yourself, ‘How Do I Hurt Them’.

Its easy, put your fingers in their cash drawer; they lose it, every time. I mean they FREAKING LOSE IT when somebody touches ‘their’ money. Its a blast to watch their world wither beneath them as the source of their power is removed.

Tootles! GOP

We TeaParty types tried to send you a message. You took our votes, money and time and spit on us.


Willard–The Rat–Romney Pathological Liar

The good professor at Legal Insurrection is too kind to say it, but I am not kind.

Here is why.

I will be voting against Romney and the psychopaths that support him.

The Contempt Jennifer Rubin Has For Me

The thing about trials is you find out who your friends are.

Bill Kristol? nope.
Wall Street Journal? nope.

What about Jennifer Rubin?

And the GOP extremists don’t get their balanced budget amendment passed and sent to the states or the satisfaction of blowing up the deal.

I guess that would be a ‘nope’.

Dan Riehl has some strong words for Rubin.

RHINOS Of Mordor Beware

We Tea-Party Hobbits are taking names.

Prof Jacobson asks how are we doing.

In his post ‘Defusing The Debt Bomb‘ the good professor asks how we are doing.

This well.

This is what McConnell, Coburn, McCain, Chambliss et. al. call a sensible, bi-partisan path.

The have to beat these Ruling Class Rhino bastards.

h/t Daily Pundit

Belmont Club: Hold Up or Fold Up.

Richard Fernandez’ take on the Ruling Class RHINO strategy.

it’s a truism that you have to be willing to die to destroy the opponent. So far the GOP* has shown a distinct disinclination to mortal risk. There’s no a priori way to tell whether or not the McConnel strategy will work for the Republicans. If it backfires, the Republicans will have given away the store to Barack Obama. If it works, Barack Obama will be like a mastodon in the La Brea tarpits by this time next year. Toast on tar. A political system used to kicking the can down the road has done it again.

Tea-Party Patriots in Congress: Hold The Line.

*Establishment GOP